Neck Lift Procedure
Conveniently located to serve Fort Worth
A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure that tightens and recontours the neck area to get rid of wrinkles, excess fat, sagging muscle, and loose skin. Achieve a fresher, younger look with a neck lift in Fort Worth from Dr. Candis Lovelace at New Leaf.
What Is a Neck Lift?
One of the most noticeable things that give away age is sagging loose skin in the neck. Neck lift is usually combined with a facelift, but can be a stand alone procedure. Every patient is different when it comes to their needs. Some patients have excess fat, some have a loss of the angle, some have banding of the muscles, some have loose skin, and others have a combination of some or all of these. There are various approaches to correcting these problems, and Dr. Lovelace will tailor a procedure that best meets your individual needs.
Ideal Candidates a Neck Lift
A neck lift is an excellent procedure for men and women who are suffering from prominent signs of aging. As long as you are generally healthy, do not have any severe medical conditions, and are a non-smoker, you may be a good candidate for a neck lift.
Your Neck Lift Consultation
Your neck lift procedure will be customized according to your personal preferences and needs. Because of this, it will be important to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Lovelace.
During your consultation, key factors such as your health and medical history will be discussed. You will also talk about your aesthetic goals and expectations. This is the perfect opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Finally, a date will be set for the neck lift surgery.
Neck Lift Frequently Asked Questions
How much pain will I have?
Mild to Moderate
What will it cost?
A detailed quote will be given to you at your consultation so you can get an idea of the total price of the procedure.
What is the hospital/surgery center time?
The procedure takes 1-3 hours. You will either go home the same day or stay overnight in the hospital depending on your individual needs.
What medications should I take or avoid taking with my surgery?
You should not take any blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medications for a week before your procedure, and you should hold all over the counter supplements a week before surgery. This will help reduce the risk of bleeding intraoperatively, and help reduce the risk of postoperative hematoma (collection of blood). If blood thinners are prescribed for you by your cardiologist or primary care physician, you should get clearance from them to hold these medications before they are discontinued. You should hold all hormones 6 weeks before surgery. Birth control pills should be held 6 weeks before surgery as well. Of course you should make sure to use alternative forms of birth control during and after this time. Hormones and birth control pills put you at a higher risk of blood clots. These clots can go to your lungs and cause serious illness or even death. We call this a pulmonary embolism. Steroids should be weaned off at least a month before your surgery, and this weaning process should be set up and cleared by your prescribing physician. Dr. Lovelace and the staff will go through your list of medications, and let you know what exactly you need to do with those medications preoperatively. Make sure that you bring all of your medications with you to your consultation. You will usually be given your prescriptions for your postoperative medication on your preoperative visit so that they can be filled and at your house when you get home from surgery.
Will I need clearances from any other physicians?
Depending on your age and medical issues, Dr. Lovelace and her staff will set you up with your primary care physician, cardiologist, etc. for clearance prior to your surgery. At that time any necessary labs, EKGs, or chest x-rays will be done.
What is recovery like?
Sutures are normally dissolvable. We ask that you wait 48 hours before showering and washing your face and hair. We like for you to wait 4 weeks and until all scabs are gone before swimming. Most swelling, bruising, and soreness is gone in 2 weeks. Makeup can be used to hide bruising in 2 weeks. The scars will fade between 3 months and 2 years. You may return to work in a week or when you are off your pain medication. You may return to strenuous activity in 6-8 weeks.
What are the risks?
The risks of a neck lift include bleeding, infection, scarring, hematoma, seroma, need for drains, hair loss, asymmetry, poor cosmesis, need for further surgery, contour irregularities, recurrence of banding, suture breakage, skin necrosis, dehiscence, weight gain/loss/pregnancy can change result, nerve/vessel/muscle/airway injury, numbness, poor movement, bruising, visibility/palpability of product/suture, cardiac/pulmonary/stroke/DVT/PE events, death, etc.
Schedule Your Consultation
Bring back your youthful contours with a neck lift in Fort Worth. Get in touch with us today to set up your consultation.