Thigh Lift

Conveniently located to serve Fort Worth

Thigh LiftA thigh lift is a surgical procedure that is used to help remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the thighs. A thigh lift is not a surgical treatment for being overweight.

Overweight individuals who intend to lose weight should postpone all forms of body-contouring surgery until they have reached a stable weight for at least 6 months. If you have had a bariatric procedure performed, you should be at least a year out from this procedure. There are variations to this procedure, and which type of procedure best meets your needs will be determined by Dr. Lovelace at the time of your consultation.

Your Thigh Lift Consultation

A thigh lift consultation will involve an honest conversation about your appearance goals and complete medical history. Dr. Lovelace will discuss possible surgical techniques to help you set realistic expectations and see if a thigh lift matches your goals. She will also ask about your overall health to evaluate if you may have any medical conditions that are not eligible for a thigh lift procedure.

Be ready to take a few lab tests to help Dr. Lovelace prepare a safe thigh lift. She will provide instructions during the consultation to help you prepare for the procedure and achieve the best results.

How to Prepare for a Thigh Lift

Preparing for a thigh lift includes securing your transportation before the day of the procedure. Having someone drive you to the surgery and back is vital. In the first 24 hours after the procedure, have a companion stay with you to get as much assistance as needed.

Take leave from work for at least 5 to 7 days. This will allow you to recover properly before resuming your daily activities. Any heavy lifting or running should be scheduled after six weeks to avoid complications.

Set up your resting area with enough pillows for support, and prepare meals ahead. This will help ensure a smooth recovery.

Your Thigh Lift Procedure

A thigh lift procedure begins with administering anesthesia. Depending on the amount of work needed, Dr. Lovelace may recommend local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. Once the anesthesia is effective, Dr. Lovelace will begin creating incisions in the thigh area.

After creating all incisions and removing excess skin, sutures will be used to close the incisions. Drains may be placed to carry out excess fluids.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you are interested in getting a thigh lift in Fort Worth, contact New Leaf Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and schedule a consultation. Dr. Lovelace will be available to evaluate your eligibility for the procedure. She will perform a thigh lift that will prioritize your comfort and match your appearance goals.

“Dr. Lovelace is the most exceptional surgeon”

5 5 Star Rating


Dr. Lovelace is the most exceptional surgeon. I had weight loss surgery 2 years ago and needed several skin removal and breast surgeries, came to Dr. Lovelace for 3 separate surgeries so far, thigh lift, full tummy tuck, and breast augmentation/lift. Face lift next on the list. She has even called me on a weekend to check on me which most physicians/surgeons never do. Her and her staff are just incredible, all are very knowledgeable, friendly, and very supportive in your endeavor she takes her time with every patient never makes you feel pushed out the door, all questions are answered. Her office is clean, cheerful, and very easy to find and access. I feel like family/close friend to her and her staff over the year long processes I have been through with her. Her work she did is exceptional, she helped me in every way possible and made me feel whole again and l absolutely would recommend her to anyone having any type of work done. She is an amazing surgeon, love her and her skills. Dr. Lovelace came highly recommended to me, and she will be highly recommended by me as well. You will never go wrong with Dr. Lovelace


by Rob and Amy G.

  • How much pain will I have?


  • How much will it cost?

    A price quote which includes facility, anesthesia, compression garment, and surgeon fees will be given to you at the time of your consultation.

  • What is the hospital/surgery center time?

    Surgery will take between 3-5 hours as determined on a case-by-case basis. Typically, this is done as an outpatient procedure, but an overnight stay may be necessary and will be determined by the surgeon.

  • What is the recovery period?

    Sutures that are placed are usually dissolvable and will not need to be removed. You will likely have drains that will stay in place for 1-2 weeks. These drains help prevent hematomas and seromas. You will be placed in a compression garment after your surgery and be told to wear this at all times for 8 weeks, and then only at night as long as tolerated. You will be expected to start walking immediately after surgery to help reduce the risk of blood clots. On average patients return to light duty work 1-2 weeks after surgery. Approximately 8 weeks after surgery, strenuous activity will be allowed without restrictions. Scars will flatten and fade between 3 months and 2 years after surgery. No bathtubs, swimming pools, or hot tubs until all scabs are gone from your incision and it is healed.

  • What medications should I take or avoid with my surgery?

    You should not take any blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medications for a week before your procedure, and you should hold all over the counter supplements a week before surgery. This will help reduce the risk of bleeding intra-operatively and help reduce the risk of postoperative hematoma (collection of blood). If blood thinners are prescribed for you by your cardiologist or primary care physician, you should get clearance from them to hold these medications before they are discontinued. You should hold all hormones 6 weeks before surgery. Birth control pills should be held 6 weeks before surgery as well. Of course, you should make sure to use alternative forms of birth control during and after this time. Hormones and birth control pills put you at a higher risk of blood clots. These clots can go to your lungs and cause serious illness or even death. We call this a pulmonary embolus. Steroids should be weaned off at least a month before your surgery, and this weaning process should be set up and cleared by your prescribing physician. Dr. Lovelace and the staff will go through your list of medication, and let you know what exactly you need to do with those medications preoperatively. Make sure that you bring all your medications with you to your consultation. You will usually be given your prescriptions for your postoperative medication on your preoperative visit so that they can be filled and at your house when you get home from surgery.

  • Will I need clearances from any other physicians?

    Depending on your age and medical issues, Dr. Lovelace and her staff will set you up with your primary care physician, cardiologist, etc. for clearance prior to your surgery.  At that time any necessary labs, EKGs, or chest x-rays will be done.

  • What are the risks?

    The risks of a thigh lift include bleeding, infection, scarring, hematoma, seroma, need for drains, asymmetry, poor cosmesis, need for further surgery, dog ears, contour irregularities, fat necrosis, dehiscence, migration of scars, widening of scars, nerve/muscle/tendon/vessel injury, numbness/hypersensation, dehiscence, relaxation of skin, continued excess skin, stretch marks may not all be removed, weight gain/loss/pregnancy can change result, persistent edema, fullness of the mons, skin necrosis, cardiac/pulmonary/stroke/DVT/PE events, death, etc.